Monday, 11 February 2008

[abxytv] - Brawl pt 1.

*We now return to scheduled programming after our technical... well actually it was because we're lazy... difficulties. We apologize for the inconvenience.*


Yes, it's time for another thrilling episode of the gaming show, ABXYTV! With your host today, ~d~!

Down to business now. Since January the 27th, so many things have happened it the gaming world, and possibly one of the most important - The Brawl leak and release. On the 31st of January, the massively anticipated game, Super Smash Bros Brawl, came out in Japan, and boy were we showered with a deluge of information about the game. Plus, it says something about the popularity of the game, that there are still many many rumors circulating after the game has been released.

Brawl will be THE game. Trust me on this. The only thing stopping it from being perfect is Sonic... but you guys know about my deep hatred of that damned blue hedgehog.

*commercial break*

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